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Free Pet Silent Pain Online Workshop Series with The Healing Vet

53% of Pet Parents Are Missing Silent Pain Their Pets. Dr Edward Will Help You Find Out If Your Pet Is One Of Them! 

Webinar Replay

This webinar series has ended! You can watch the replay below.
Bodywork For Pets

What your pets need you to learn in these live online workshops.

Hi- I’m Dr Edward. Six years ago I missed awful Silent Pain in my own dog. That led me to discover that 53% of pets have significant undiagnosed Silent Pain. These workshops will help you make sure your pets are not one of the hundreds of millions suffering in silence!

Session 01.

Your first free workshop is an INFORMATION session.

Dr Edward, The Healing Vet, will show you the answers to three questions that are VITALLY important for your pets.

  • Why do so many people miss significant silent pain in their pets? (So you won’t!)
  • How can you tell when your pets are suffering from silent pain? (So you’ll find it!)
  • How can you safely and naturally relieve your pet’s silent pain? (Your pets will LOVE this!)
Session 02.

Your second free workshop is HANDS-ON and practical.

In this hands-on session, you’ll be learning practical everyday hands-on skills that will make a real difference for your pets.

  • You will learn how to feel into your pet’s body to discover their hidden Silent Pain.
  • You will learn WEBB Loving Touch – an every day, deeply relaxing bodywork skill that pets love. This work eases anxiety, can heal trauma, and deepens your bond with your pets.
  • You will learn a simple internal practice for you that increases connection, awareness, and presence.

Yes, my pets need this! Save my seat today.

(The workshops will be recorded)

Verified Testimonials

This course has been amazing. Dr Edward has put his heart and soul into this and you can see this by the care he has for everyone of his students. The results you achieve are unbelievable.
100% recommended!