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The Whole Energy Body Balance Somatic Relaxation Technique

Is Your Dog Hyper, Out of Control or Anxious?

And Did You Know That Many Dog Owners Actually Miss These Problems in Their Dogs?

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Our Satisfaction Guarantee

My number 1 priority is that you are happy with your investment. I stand behind my product 100% – no matter what, no holds barred! If you have a problem, reach out to me and I will fix it as soon as possible. If for any reason you decide that the WEBB for Pets online training you have invested in is not a good fit for you, you have a month from your date of purchase to request a refund.

Take a moment to remember a time when you were trapped in a situation which triggered anxiety in your body. Remember what it felt like – tension in your body, racing heart, mental distress, emotional distress, fear, panic, a need to escape…

Now imagine being an anxious or over-aroused dog, unable to communicate with you, their human. Imagine what it must be like for a dog who has been anxious for so long that their whole nervous system has gotten stuck in overdrive, and simply can’t relax. Constantly on edge, afraid, and uncomfortable – in a nutshell, suffering.

Many dogs suffer serious distress from anxiety and over-arousal issues that their humans are not aware of.

Hi – I’m Dr Edward (otherwise known as The Healing Vet). My 22 years in practice as a holistic vet have led to me developing my signature healing bodywork modality for companion animals- the Whole Energy Body Balance (WEBB) Method.

Helping dogs with anxiety issues and a range of behavior problems is an important part of my work. I have found (and now teach people like you) unique, simple and highly effective hands-on methods to teach dogs how to relax. Over time this work will train your dogs how to self-regulate to relaxation and build a strong and healthy ‘off switch’.

Dogs hide distress. This is a natural protective instinct (because if wild dogs show weakness, the pack may turn on them and kill them). Also, many dog owners think that behaviors that I know are clear signs of a dog in distress are normal!

Anxiety causes mental and emotional distress in your dogs. This is often invisible suffering that causes your dog a lot of pain. Quite aside from the suffering, this is a chronic drain on your dog’s immune system, making them more prone to all sorts of chronic illness.

Sometimes it’s obvious when your dog has anxiety issues – maybe they freak out when you leave them at home and destroy the house. Or they pant and whine and fidget in the car.

Perhaps they are aggressive and reactive with other dogs (or people). Or they could start shaking and hiding in corners at the first sign of a thunderstorm. Imagine how awful this feels for your dog!

If your dog has obvious anxiety issues, then you can see that they need some help. And what I have to teach you will help you ease your dog’s suffering!

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Our Satisfaction Guarantee

My number 1 priority is that you are happy with your investment. I stand behind my product 100% – no matter what, no holds barred! If you have a problem, reach out to me and I will fix it as soon as possible. If for any reason you decide that the WEBB for Pets online training you have invested in is not a good fit for you, you have a month from your date of purchase to request a refund.

Over-arousal is a problem I see
in many, many dogs.

This happens when dogs trigger into arousal easily, and never relax properly. Dogs with over-arousal issues are often ‘out of control’, don’t respond well to training, don’t have any respect for the personal space of humans, are hypervigilant, and can never settle and truly relax.

They are always on edge, and very easily trigger into high levels of arousal. The smallest thing (like visitors arriving) can send them into crazy land where nothing you say or do seems to have any effect. They simply can’t hear you!

Here is why you might be unaware of anxiety or over-arousal in your own dogs:

  • Some dogs ‘shut down’ or ‘freeze’ when they become distressed. This can happen in all sorts of situations. The dog may seem calm in the face of stressors, but under the freeze response they are suffering severe distress. This is more common in dogs with any sort of trauma in their history.
  • Some dogs are distressed when you can’t see them. Many dogs seem fine when you leave home, but then spend the whole time you are away pacing and panting. The only way to see this is to leave a camera running when you go out.
  • You think that your dog’s hypervigilance or aroused behaviour is normal. “They’re just a great guard dog!” If your dog never switches off, they have an over-arousal problem. If your dog is out of control and unresponsive to commands, they have an over-arousal problem.
  • Some dogs are addicted to arousal. The classic example is a dog with a ball addiction. They love playing with the ball, you think you’re doing something fun and good for your dog, BUT it causes them all sorts of harm. They get stuck in a state of chronic over-arousal (and this makes anxiety worse).
  • You have never learned what the signs of unhealthy chronic arousal are. And fair enough. It’s really not well known even in veterinary circles! If your dog can never relax, is always on the go, has a serious ball addiction, can’t switch off, is out of control, goes crazy when people visit, is always hypervigilant, or won’t listen to commands – your dog has an over-arousal problem.

The standard veterinary approach to treating anxiety and over-arousal does NOT treat the root cause of the problem.

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The usual veterinary response to a behavioral problem (which nearly all are due to anxiety or over-arousal) is going to be two-fold. Medications and behaviour modification.

Medications can be helpful, and sometimes are a literal life saver. At the same time, I feel that they are over-prescribed, and I’ve helped a number of dogs with anxiety problems who the medications really didn’t help.

Not to mention the fact that these medications are hard on your dog’s body, toxic, have multiple possible side effects, and should be avoided unless they are truly necessary!

The behaviour modification that vets and behaviourists recommend will be positive reward based training – and while this is of great value, it doesn’t reset the nervous system at a body level. It doesn’t get to the root of the underlying problem, which is that the nervous system is stuck in arousal.

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Anxiety is simply arousal with nowhere to go!

In the wild, a dog can always move away from anything that is causing them distress. We confine our dogs in yards, in houses, and on leads. This means your dogs can’t do what they naturally need to do to ease their distress from things that they don’t like, or are fearful of.

Every time something happens to your dog that triggers arousal, fear, or anxiety their Sympathetic Nervous System (Fright/Flight) goes into overdrive. Adrenalin pumps into their bloodstream.

Your dog is primed to run away or fight!

But they can’t run, and there is nothing to fight (most of the time). Your dog is stuck in arousal, they can’t switch off the Sympathetic Nervous System and turn on what they really need, which is the Parasympathetic Nervous System (Rest/Digest).

Your dog feels trapped!

And of course we need to keep our dogs safe. There is no choice about this, which is why it is so important for you to learn how to help your dog relax even when they are confined in a yard or home.

I believe that all anxiety issues in dogs (phobias, separation anxiety, reactivity, aggression, etc.) are simply arousal that has built up over time.

Your dog ends up stuck in the orange zone of Fright/Flight activation most or all of the time, and is more and more easily triggered across the redline into a complete anxiety meltdown where the front brain turns off, and your dog goes into pure survival mode.

When this happens, your dog will become unresponsive to commands they normally understand and obey. They may become reactive and aggressive. They may go into a blind panic and bolt if not restrained. They can become dangerous to themselves and everyone around them in extreme cases.

It’s commonly known that anxiety and over arousal problems nearly always become worse as your dog gets older (often even with prescription medications and behavioral modification).

Every trigger, every episode of arousal edges your dog’s resting state further and further into the orange zone so that they live closer and closer to the red line. This is so, so bad for your dog, in so many ways.

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Our Satisfaction Guarantee

My number 1 priority is that you are happy with your investment. I stand behind my product 100% – no matter what, no holds barred! If you have a problem, reach out to me and I will fix it as soon as possible. If for any reason you decide that the WEBB for Pets online training you have invested in is not a good fit for you, you have a month from your date of purchase to request a refund.

The antidote to Anxiety is Relaxation

The problem with the standard veterinary treatments for anxiety and most of the training approaches for over-arousal driven behaviors is that they don’t teach your dog how to relax deeply at a body level.

Your dog’s nervous system responds beautifully to intentional touch.

It has taken me many years to find the perfect combination of pressure and speed of hands-on bodywork for dogs that causes a deep somatic relaxation.

It is so simple and easy to help your dogs relax when you know what to do. This is what you'll learn in this online training!

The WEBB Somatic Relaxation technique is a fantastic skill you can use to train your dogs to relax at a deep body level. You can learn this lifelong skill in an afternoon! And with dogs who need medication for severe anxiety problems, adding this work into your treatment plan will make the chances of treatment succeeding a lot higher.

Soma simply means ‘body’. When you learn how to bless your dog with the WEBB Somatic Relaxation Technique (SRT), every time you lay your hands on their body you’ll be ever so gently teaching your dog how to relax.

As you work hands-on with your dog with the Somatic Relaxation Technique you’ll see relaxation signs blossom – softening of the eyes, tension dissolving from their body, your dog moving from standing to sitting to lying, their breath deepening and slowing down.
You may even see burping, farting, or tummy gurgles! (This happens with strong Rest/Digest activation.)

Over days, weeks and months of daily hands-on work my clients have consistently seen beautiful reductions in anxiety and over-arousal symptoms in their dogs.

I’d like to share the story of three dogs whose owners used the Somatic Relaxation Technique to help their dogs.

Klyde: A beautiful blue staffy with severe separation anxiety

This fellow came in for help because he had such severe separation anxiety that he was chewing all the plasterboard off the walls, and had even torn two doors right off their hinges.

I taught his mum how to do the SRT bodywork, and they did lots of it. Within only two weeks Klyde had relaxed so much that he wasn’t even getting off his bed when his mum came home from her shift- and all the destructive behaviors were gone.

He also became brave enough to go into the waves at the beach, and he became much less reactive towards other dogs while on the lead.

Keisha: A lovely old Rotti who got overexcited when the grandchildren came to visit

This old girl got in such a state when the grandchildren came to visit that she would get all in a tizzy and want to lick them non-stop. She also stopped responding to commands, and would have to be locked away. I taught her mum how to do the SRT work on a video call, and within 24-48 hours Keisha had relaxed so much that her mum thought she was sick!

This is what her mum said on the follow up video call:

It’s like we have a new dog in her head. Everything we've been trying to teach her over the past few years is now working. This has maintained, even though only doing the exercise once a day. Behaviour has improved so much! Everything has got easier, absolutely everything, even the walking. Now can stop her grabbing dropped toys and has stopped chewing the kid's toys and trying to run away with them. Amazing!

Albert: The anxious reactive aggressive Lagotto

Albert was a real handful – he was stealing the grandchildren’s toys, then wouldn’t give them back (and would bite if you insisted). He had bitten his dad. He couldn’t be groomed (and was all matted all over). He couldn’t be boarded or left with anyone else. He was difficult to walk and very reactive (aggressive) towards other dogs. His mum was struggling with him, and concerned that he may even need to be put to sleep!

After Dr Edward taught me to use the somatic relaxation on Albert, life has been very different. Albert is so much happier. He’s groomed without the trauma for him and the groomer. Walks in the park off lead is now a pleasant experience for all of
us. I wasn’t sure what we would do as Albert was becoming more aggressive. That’s all changed now. Thanks again Dr Edward. Albert and I are forever grateful.

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Our Satisfaction Guarantee

My number 1 priority is that you are happy with your investment. I stand behind my product 100% – no matter what, no holds barred! If you have a problem, reach out to me and I will fix it as soon as possible. If for any reason you decide that the WEBB for Pets online training you have invested in is not a good fit for you, you have a month from your date of purchase to request a refund.

You can bring peace to dogs suffering from anxiety or over-arousal with loving touch and healthy boundaries.

I’d like to offer you the opportunity to learn this simple, deeply effective healing bodywork skill that I have taught to many dog owners. You can use this to transform the lives of your anxious and over aroused dogs for the better. This is one small part of my signature healing body work method for pets – the Whole Energy Body Balance (WEBB) Method.

Benefits of the WEBB for Pets Somatic Relaxation Technique

  • Can significantly reduce anxiety, phobias, reactivity etc
  • Teaches your anxious or over-aroused dog how to relax and ‘switch off’
  • Reduces problem behaviours like jumping all over people or being ‘out of control’
  • Builds connection and trust with your dogs (deepens your relationship
  • Gently releases physical pain and tension from your dog’s body

What’s in this
comprehensive online training?

Ten Videos – more than 2 hours of content.

  • Video 1: Introduction
  • Video 2: Understanding anxiety + Over-arousal in dogs
    Topics covered include: Healthy arousal and it’s purpose. The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous systems – Fright/Flight vs Rest Digest. Hyper-arousal – what happens when your dog crosses the ‘redline’. Harmful effects of chronic arousal.
  • Video 3: Somatic Embodiment of Awareness Exercise
    This video teaches you how to calm your own nervous system. This has a strong positive effect on your dogs and is a core skill that you will use always when working hands-on with your dogs.
  • Video 4: Hands-on with the Somatic Relaxation Technique
    Topics Covered include: How the Somatic Relaxation Technique works, and why. How and when to use this with your dogs. This is touch medicine. And this video is where you start to learn how to do the technique – time to get your hands on your dogs.
  • Video 5: Supporting calm and relaxation in your dogs
    Topics covered include: Diet and supplements. Minimizing arousal triggers. Veterinary sup[port and prescription medicines.
  • Video 6: Teaching your dog how to self-regulate to relaxation
    Topics covered include: Clear and consistent communication (learning how to talk dog). Respect for personal space. The gentle art of outing your dog. Having a conversation with your dog in a way they understand. Why having healthy boundaries with your dogs reduces their anxiety.
  • Video 7: Your personal bubble and your dog.
    A practical exercise to do with your dog.
  • Video 8: How SRT works, and why you need to make it a daily practice.
    Topics covered include: How SRT works and the benefits. How and when to use it. This is touch medicine – how to gently insist so your dog gets what they need.
  • Video 9: Practice video #1
    This is a longer practice session for you to do with your dogs along with Dr Edward working on Mitzi.
  • Video 10: Practice video #2
    This is a shorter video for you to practice along with (With Dr Edward and Pearl)
  • Video 11: Review of the training.
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Our Satisfaction Guarantee

My number 1 priority is that you are happy with your investment. I stand behind my product 100% – no matter what, no holds barred! If you have a problem, reach out to me and I will fix it as soon as possible. If for any reason you decide that the WEBB for Pets online training you have invested in is not a good fit for you, you have a month from your date of purchase to request a refund.

What is the perfect package for your dog?

If your dog has obvious or serious anxiety or over-arousal issues, I strongly recommend that you invest in the Silver or Gold Packages…


  • Everything in the Silver package
  • Plus one private 30 minute Holistic Pet health masterclass with Dr Edward (Value $110)

One Time Payment AUD $778 $347

Or 6 monthly payments of $69

Purchase Now
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Our Satisfaction Guarantee

My number 1 priority is that you are happy with your investment. I stand behind my product 100% – no matter what, no holds barred! If you have a problem, reach out to me and I will fix it as soon as possible. If for any reason you decide that the WEBB for Pets online training you have invested in is not a good fit for you, you have a month from your date of purchase to request a refund.

This training is for you if:

  • If you have a dog with any sort of anxiety or over-arousal issues and want to help them be happy and calm
  • If you want to help your dog learn how to self regulate into relaxation
  • If you're willing to give your dog their touch medicine, even if they think it tastes bad

This training may not be for you if:

  • If you're not willing to gently and firmly insist on healthy personal boundaries with your dogs
  • If you believe in only positive rewards and you're not willing to ask you dog to do anything at all that they don't want to do (Positive rewards are great, BUT some of this work will feel strange and a bit uncomfortable for your dogs at first, so you will need to be willing to gently insist to truly be able to help your dogs heal)

Disclaimer:  Participation in the WEBB for Pets online training is at your own risk. Your results may vary in comparison to what you see in the training videos (though the more work and practice you do, the better your results will be). The information in our online training is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide a veterinary diagnosis or substitute for veterinary advice.  The Whole Energy Body Balance skills taught in our online training are intended for people who want to have better awareness of when their dogs are in pain, and to be able to help relieve that pain hands-on.  However, we make no representations, guarantees or warranties that the information or exercises in our online training is appropriate for your dog or will result in improvement of your dog's medical conditions or function.  The information in our online training is by no means complete or exhaustive and therefore does not apply to all conditions, disorders and health-related issues in your dogs.