The WEBB Method

Whole Energy Body Balance is a healing somatic bodywork system that addresses and interacts with the entire physical body and energy systems of pets, people or horses.
On a physical level, it relieves tension in the neuro-fascial network, that has a positive flow-on effect for the entire body. WEBB also has profound effects on mental and emotional issues, releasing and integrating trapped layers of trauma and post-traumatic stress.
Many people are aware of the way we tense our muscles in relation to stress, and animals are no different. Silent, chronic pain is something that affects many animals. Neck and back pain is a common issue, as is neuro-fascial pain, also known as pain of the connective tissues.
More than half the animals I assess have silent chronic pain that is invisible to their humans.
Animals don’t express pain the way humans do, and so often live with invisible pain for extensive periods. The WEBB assessment protocol unveils silent or invisible pain, so it can be treated.
WEBB is a whole-body treatment method that affects the mind and body in a profoundly positive way. It’s a unique and comprehensive system that is created by Dr Edward - a veterinarian who has had to weave his own healing journey with CFS and Lyme disease.
Each treatment is unique, tailored to the needs of the patient in the moment. WEBB is a fluid, flexible, intuitively guided combination of many advanced hands-on skills, including
- Somatic embodiment of awareness
- Energy connection and presence
- Skillful hands-on assessment of the body for lack of healthy movement, pain and tension
- Intentional touch
- Neuro-fascial release & mobilization
- Mobilisation of the spine and body
- Somatic embodiment of awareness
- Craniosacral work
- Somatic relaxation
- Deep core releases
- Movement
- Pulsing
- Energy healing

Products & Training
Whole Energy Body Balance for Pets Practitoiner Training
Coming soon! Embodiment of awareness + The WEBB hands on energy flow technique. A free training in the two most important fundamental skills of the WEBB method ($147 value).