Building Coherence supports a magical, healthy life!


grounded presence

BUILDING COHERENCE is a worthy project that’ll bring only good things for your pets, and for you.

Building coherence is something that I am continually aware of, continually putting intelligent effort into, and refining my practices and processes. Let’s start with diving into the definitions of these words.

Building means ‘to produce or create gradually’, or  ‘to make something’. The older, deeper meaning includes ‘to be, exist, grow’.

Coherence means ‘the quality of forming a unified whole – in which the whole is greater than the sum of the parts’.  The older, deeper meaning includes ‘to stick together’.

For me, building coherence is also about harmony, everything being in tune with each other. Something that is coherent is also resilient, and can maintaining that state of being in the face of challenges. Something that is coherent is also strong and resilient. It’s wholeness wants to stay whole, and it tends to resist stresses and injuries better than something that lacks coherence.

You can also think of it as everything in the being sticking together like glue, working together as a team, and being congruent.

You can think of building coherence in many ways.

Physically – doing all the things that care for and strengthen your pet’s body, or your body, and your home.

Emotionally – self care, relaxation, healing traumas, and practices to increase your emotional intelligence, resilience, and fortitude.

Spiritually – finding and tending to your unique ‘path with heart’ – exploring the kinds of practices that have meaning for you, and help you grow.

And you can apply this to skills, work, your home, your community, your country, your creative joys, anything and everything in your life, all these myriad facets, may have or lack healthy, strong coherence.

I think of building coherence as an active, forever process. For example, if you build a house and then totally neglect it, it will deteriorate surprisingly quickly. So not only do you need to build until your coherence is strong and resilient, then you need to build on maintaining and growing that capacity.

With your pets – you can think about and build coherence in:

  • Your relationship with them – through care, kindness, training, play, therapeutic touch, etc
  • Their well-being and physical health – through healthy diet, supplements, exercise, regular checkups, and proactive health care
  • Their abilities and skills – through training and perhaps competing
  • Their joy in life – through better understanding and fulfilling their needs and desires

That’s just a sprinkling of all of the possibilities.

How to put building coherence into practice in your life…

The first thing you need to do is make building coherence a real, ongoing PRIORITY in your life. Everything that you honestly make a true priority happens. This, of course, takes effort, and often involves some level of discomfort. So you have to embrace that and press on.

The second thing you need to do is to start small, and make this a step-by-step process where you chose one smaller, easily achievable thing, and set to going that. Once that’s done, you keep doing that, and add in another layer.

One piece of advice. Find good teachers who have experience, expertise, and results. Working with people like this will vastly accelerate your progress!

You do need to be aware that all of this is a non-linear process. It might take what seems like ages until you feel the shift and enjoy the benefits. And then you might feel like you are finally getting there, only to slip back again and feel worse. Don’t worry about that, just press on. If you keep going, eventually the benefits will become strong, consistent, and undeniable.

– Enjoy this article? You can check out last week’s one at this link.

– Want to work with me to create harmony for your pets (and maybe for you) with holistic veterinary consultations, intuitive insights, and energy healing? Drop into and book a free call with me. And if you’d like to learn how to heal your pets (and yourself) with loving touch and energy healing, check out

Gem, enjoying a cuddle

Building Coherence


