GROUNDED PRESENCE is a muscle that helps you and your pets increase resilience and happiness!
This time of year, leading into Xmas is so CRAZY. Intensity, pressure, and I see a lot of people struggling one way or another with life, with family, with financial pressures, or with the world at large. My antidote to all of this is grounded presence. In fact, this is my magical medicine for helping me flow with as much grace as is humanly possible through all kinds of challenges (and joys) in life.
Grounded presence is a state of being that is sensible, aware, calm, collected, and able to make good decisions and follow through. You’ll have greatly increased resilience. Things won’t knock you off balance for long, even if they are terrible. You’ll be able to stay in your body, here and now, and have increased capacity to fill your cup, and then overflow that out into the world.
Every family unit needs a grounded presence anchor – one being who has the strongest capacity to be grounded and stay present to everyone and everything. Here’s a tip. It’ll hardly ever be one of your pets! (Though it’s not impossible, and I have seen very few exceptionally amazing dogs and cats who can do this.)
It’s nearly always up to the humans, and usually mostly one human in the family unit who takes responsibility, steps up, and does the ongoing work to create and maintain that state of strong, resilient grounded presence. When one human does this, it benefits all of the other beings IMMENSELY.
As soon as you build your capacity to be grounded – energetically connected into the earth, well balanced, and sensible – then your pets, and all the other humans in the system will literally breathe a sigh of relief.
Presence is a state of being all here, all now, your awareness within your physical body, and (most importantly) mentally, emotionally, and energetically available to be with and interact with the other beings in your family.
Most humans are not great at grounded presence. Hint: scrolling on your phone is NOT what I’m talking about. Not even close. Many humans use a whole range of things to not be grounded and present. Why? Because it’s nearly always less comfortable to be in a strong state of grounded presence. Not only that, it takes ongoing work to maintain and strengthen your capacity.
Tips for building and maintaining grounded presence for you and your pets
The first thing is to continually bring all of your awareness into your body. And then simply be with everything that you are experiencing. I do this many times a day, and I have been for many years now. The benefits continue to flow, no matter how long you do this practice for.
The second thing to do is to build your capacity to hold your attention, or give your attention (awareness) with situations, or other beings. How long can you be truly present with your pets? With your beloveds? With your work? Doesn’t matter how long or short your capacity is to begin with. All that matters is that you keep bringing awareness to this, and working at improving it.
And- if you want to help your pets increase their grounded presence, the best way I have found to do that is with the Whole Energy Body Balance™ method- my modality, which teaches you how to use relaxing touch, kind training, and strong healthy boundaries to help your pets build this capacity.
Not only that WEBB empowers you to find and heal Silent Pain in your pet’s body – undiagnosed, chronic pain is one of the greatest hindrances to grounded presence – so everything you can do to find and relieve pain naturally helps!
Start today. Work at it all 5 days a week. Repeat forever! And you and your pets will thank you SO MUCH down the track!
Here’s a short video of me discussing this topic.
– Enjoy this article? You can check out last week’s one at this link.
– Want to work with me to create harmony for your pets (and maybe for you) with holistic veterinary consultations, intuitive insights, and energy healing? Drop into and book a free call with me. And if you’d like to learn how to heal your pets (and yourself) with loving touch and energy healing, check out
Gem, enjoying a cuddle