How good are you at HEALTHY ‘YES’? If you want health and vitality, you better be good at this!


healthy yes

HEALTHY YES! The more you do it, the better you get at it, and then everyone WINS. (Including your pets)

I used to be awful at HEALTHY YES. I took the easy way, ate comfort food, avoided exercise, and ended up seriously ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for more than 20 years. I had to learn what HEALTHY YES means and how to get really good at doing it in my life before I got better.

Not only that, I’ve seen my animals shift and shift again for the better every time I got better at HEALTHY YES. My ability to care for my pets has increased out of sight with me learning how to HEALTHY YES. They have become calkmer, happier, healthier, and our relationships have improved so much too.

So – what does HEALTHY YES look like?

It’s saying yes to, and then acting on anything and everything that increases your wellbeing, strength, flexibility, resilience, vitality, and joy. Likewise for your pets (you have to manage that for them).

This could look like saying yes to:

  • Healthy whole foods
  • Healthy exercise
  • Healthy relaxation
  • Healthy recreation
  • Healthy relationships
  • Healthy workplaces
  • Healthy choices
  • Healthy DISCOMFORT

Oh yes. That last one is the most important of all. While some HEALTHY YES is easy and joyful – like maybe making sure to go out on a date night and catch a gig once a month – most of them take effort, will, and at least some level of healthy discomfort. At least at first. It’s always hardest to get started, but once you get through that hump it gets easier and easier, I promise.

Here are some HEALTHY YES tips and hacks

Start small.

Pick one achievable thing – might be as simple as eating more veggies, or drinking more water. Get that solid, then add another.

Tell a friend!

If you share your intentions and ask for some kind accountability, you are FAR more likely to succeed.

Make it an ongoing, genuine priority!

The more you make HEALTHY YES a priority in your life, the better your life will get. This I can absolutely promise you. However, it might feel worse for a little while before it feels better.

Build and maintain momentum.

This is where huge benefits become your reality. It’ll probably take weeks or months.

When it comes to giving your pets HEALTHY YES – you need to know that they will probably have some strong complaints to management. Be strong. If you are changing to a healthier food, they might turn their noses up at first. Fasting them for a day or two will nearly always do the trick.

You will absolutely need to be more determined than you rpets, and stick to their HEALTHY YES no matter what. Might be a HEALTHY YES to a badly needed diet.

Whatever it is, the stronger your HEALTHY YES becomes in all facets of your life, the better things get.

I’m living proof of this…

No way would I have ever healed from CFS if I hadn’t done the hard yards of working out what my HEALTHY YES’s need to be,a nd acting on them. No matter where you are at, doing this can be profoundly healing and empowering.

One very special HEALTHY YES you can give to your pets is Whole Energy Body Balance- profoundly healing, connecting bodywork/massage that is easy to learn, and makes a beautiful difference for your beloved pets. You’ll learn how to find and heal Silent Pain, Anxiety, and Trauma. Home and professional programs available. Check it out at this link

Here’s a short video of me discussing this topic.

– Enjoy this article? You can check out last week’s one at this link.

– Want to work with me to create harmony for your pets (and maybe for you) with holistic veterinary consultations, intuitive insights, and energy healing? Drop into and book a free call with me. And if you’d like to learn how to heal your pets (and yourself) with loving touch and energy healing, check out

Mitzo with quite a bad case of ‘morning head’



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