SEEKING JOY is an interesting way to make your pets, and you, happier and healthier!
Seeking joy is an amazing, fun way to increase well-being, happiness, and brings so many good things into your life. I find a lot of people forget to seek joy. They get stuck in ruts of worry, working too much, getting lost in social media or the TV, or other addictions. They take the easy way, and flop on the couch rather than getting up and taking action.
I know this, because I’m a past master of it.
It’s important to seek joy that is healthy, by the way! Consuming junk, or substances that harm you, might seem like joy, but it’s not.
Joy is good for the immune system. It increases vitality, coherence, and strengthens your whole being.
Seeking joy takes time, effort, and application. First, you have to get clear about what gives you joy. True joy, healthy joy, nourishing joy. For me, live music, great food, getting into nature, making music, making art, playing with my pets, surfing, traveling, kirtan, meditation retreats (and quite a lot of other lovely things) give me joy.
But if I don’t take care to make time for these things in my life, organise to get to events, and then go out (even when it seems like it would be easier to stay at home), then NOTHING HAPPENS!
Seeking joy always takes effort. Investment. Action.
I went to a folk festival over the weekend. It would have been a lot easier to stay home. I’m kind of tired this Monday. But the nourishment that I have gained has filled my inner cup to over-flowing. My pets, my beloved, my clients, will all benefit from this. But I’ll benefit most of all.
Thing is, you have to seek joy and fill your ‘joy cup’ first. Then that naturally overflows to your animals, and this gives them joy too.
Seeking joy for and with your pets!
Your pets then depend on YOU to help them in seeking joy that makes sense for them. Every pet is unique, and will love different things. One dog might love swimming, another would rather walk for miles. One dog might want to have time with dog friends, another prefers human company. One cat goes nuts for catnip, another could take it or leave it.
It’s YOUR job to get curious about what your pets love, their unique and wonderful joys. Then you have to get into seeking joy for and with them, support them to experience the things that truly nourish them. Then you, in turn, will be nourished by their overflowing ‘cup of joy’.
Joy makes everything better. The more you seek joy, in a healthy, balanced way, the more joy you and your pets experience, the more the whole family will be deeply nourished. Vitality will flourish. Relationships will grow and deepen. Immune systems will be strengthened too. It’s an incredibly enjoyable way to get happier, healthier, and stronger.
If you haven’t thought of this before, I encourage you to start thinking, and acting, seeking joy for you, and for and with your beloved pets.
One thing that feeds me and my pets incredibly deeply in this way is to give them healing Whole Energy Body Balance Bodywork (massage). It’s one of the most beautiful joys I have ever found. learn more about that, and how to do it, at this link. (We offer online training programs…)
Here’s a short video of me discussing this topic.
– Enjoy this article? You can check out last week’s one at this link.
– Want to work with me to create harmony for your pets (and maybe for you) with holistic veterinary consultations, intuitive insights, and energy healing? Drop into and book a free call with me. And if you’d like to learn how to heal your pets (and yourself) with loving touch and energy healing, check out
Gem and Loki snoozing