Help Your Pets With Dr Ed #35: TIME and SPACE


presence and patience

TIME and SPACE. Something we might not think about or put to good use. But SO IMPORTANT for happy pets!

Time and space. They are both hear, all the time, no matter what we are doing. Time passes, always. We inhabit and move through all kinds of spaces, always.

How conscious are you of your time and space, the time and space you share with your animals, and the time and space your animals inhabit?

Do you make good use of your time? Time with your animals? Do you make sure your animals have all the time they need?

Your spaces – physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual – are all dimensions that you create, inhabit, and must maintain and evolve over time. The quality of these spaces affects your animals profoundly. And you are the only one who can make sure that this vital need is tended to carefully – for all the family.

I spent a lot of my life totally unaware of how important it is to take deep, attentive care to shape how I use my time. Because all my time is consumed, minute by minute. I can never get it back, and I don’t want to waste any of it. This means that I need to consider every moment as precious, and make sure that I structure my time so I can make the best use of it.

Sometimes this means working hard, organising what to do, and when. Other times this means making sure I have all the time I need to rest, to have fun, and to spend in presence, connection, and relationship with my beloved animals. This takes effort! Last time I restructured my schedule, it took about 3 months to get it polished up and totally settled in.

I also spent a lot of my life without much care for my spaces. All of them! – my room and car were messy as. Emotionally, I didn’t care well for myself, – I didn’t know how to allow myself to feel, or how to communicate cleanly and kindly through challenges. Mentally I was scattered, lacking focus and discipline.

On a subtle energy level, I had no idea how to keep my space clean, clear, and dynamic, so that I could be free of unhelpful subtle influences. And spiritually, I had no path, no purpose, no overarching passion for a life well lived in a sacred way.

All of this meant that my animals lived in a pretty chaotic way – because they were stuck with me, and that’s what I created. It impacted them and meant that they were not as settled, calm, happy, and healthy as my animals are these days.

Your Time and Space are living, sensitive, precious things that need intensive, intelligent, ongoing care and attention.

Your animals live in the bubble that you are creating when it comes to time and space. They can’t escape this. It affects their lives profoundly. And quite apart from this overall environmental impact that your time and space cause for your animals, the other impact is how much of you is present, and how harmonious you are while you spend time and interact with your pets. If you are scattered, and if your spaces are chaotic, untidy, distressed – then your animals might only get 5 or 10% of you. This is a gaping hole in their lives.

Not only that, but when your care for your time and space is lacking, often your animals won’t get the time and space they need to be truly vital, happy, and healthy – for connection, loving touch, exercise, training, enrichment, play, etc.

It takes time, attention, and consistent effort to get your time and space in a good way. And you have to maintain it all, all of the time. I started really working on all of this maybe 7 years ago. I’m still hard at it. Maintaining momentum for all the things that I have already created, and always looking at how I can refine what I’m doing.

This gathers more and more momentum over time, and so it all gets easier. Most of the time. Then some challenges roll in and flattens me in some way, and I might have to go right back to square one for a little while, back to basics. These days, I regain my feet really quickly, because of all the work I have done and continue to do.

I invite you to have a good long think about how you are managing and caring for your time and space. If you find you have work to do, start small. Pick one thing. Get that right (might be as simple as making your bed every morning, or going for a brisk walk three days every week, or starting yoga classes, or cutting one unhealthy thing out of your diet, or…

Whatever! The secret is to begin, and then to continue, and one that thing is under control, you pick the next thing. You will see your pets become happier and health=ier over time if you do this, I guarantee it!!!

Love this? Want more? Check out our most recent blog at this link.
And a Video exploring this topic further at this link. 
If you want to work with Dr Ed, please go to – you can book a free evaluation call on the site (your first step to booking a consultation – Zoom or in person)
Gem enjoying some quiet, peaceful time and space on our bed the other morning
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