KIND PERSISTENCE overcomes all kinds of obstacles, and supports healthy growth and evolution!
I had a lot of persistence for much of my life. But it wasn’t kind. It was forceful, stubborn, bone-headed, and this meant that I pushed and pushed myself far beyond what my body and soul could maintain. This is a large part of the reason why I collapsed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Lyme – and it’s also a BIG part of the reasons behind why I didn’t recover and heal form that for more than 20 long years. Kind persistence is what I learned, in the end, and what forged my path out of chronic illness.
Kind persistence supports gradual (non-dramatic), step-by-step, sustainable, and maintainable LIFE! All the facets of my life benefit from this mindset, and the actions that naturally flow from it. And – this kind of attitude doesn’t mean that you won;t experience quantum leaps – massive, healthy shifts that then are easy to maintain and grow from. In my experience, the stronger the foundations of my life, the higher I can leap, and the faster I can grow. But in an easy, relaxed way.
Let’s explore the meaning of these words.
Kind: ‘having a friendly or generous nature or attitude, helpful to self and to others, considerate or humane’. The older, deeper meanings include ‘character, quality derived from birth’, ‘manner or way natural or proper to anyone’, and ‘deliberately doing good to others’.
How kind are you to your self? Are you as lovely to yourself as you are to your pets? And if not, why not? How soon can you deliberately do good to your beautiful self?
Persistence: ‘ the act of continuing steadily in a course of action’, ‘The quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people’. The older, deeper meanings include ‘continue steadily and firmly in some state or course of action’.
Kind Persistence is all about doing the things that make a positive difference in your life, again, again, and again. Same same with your pets. They might not like it all the time, and that has to be ok. (I know I don’t like quite a few of the things I keep on doing in my life around exercise, diet, being disciplined etc.) The more you can bring kindness into persisting with all of the harder, most necessary things that make life better and better, the easier it is to get them done.
Practical tips for kind persistence in your life, and with your pets!
Kind persistence starts with a choice, a decision. Nothing happens without a solid choice backed up by healthy actions. So that’s your first step. Deciding to make kind persistence part of your life, in all areas of your life. And with your pets. That’s the most practical tip I have. And this one is truly up to you! You are the only one who can make the choice, and act upon it.
Another way to make this more achievable, especially at first, is to start small. Do something every day. Might be a brisk walk. Pushups. A run. Eating less sugar. Cutting out stimulants. spending more time in presence and connection with your pets. Training with your pets every day, or a number of times every week.
And continually being kind about how you persist. Pushing only as hard as is healthy (for you, and for your pets). Knowing when to stop. Continually considering your needs, and your pets’ needs. Adapting as you need to so that all the things still happen, no matter what. Not collapsing in a heap.
Making sure your pets get what they need, even when they might not like it much. Give it a go! But don’t expect instant results. Kind persistence pays off over the long term, and the benefits keep on growing!
Here’s a short video of me discussing this topic.
– Enjoy this article? You can check out last week’s one at this link.
– Want to work with me to create harmony for your pets (and maybe for you) with holistic veterinary consultations, intuitive insights, and energy healing? Drop into and book a free call with me. And if you’d like to learn how to heal your pets (and yourself) with loving touch and energy healing, check out
Dally, enjoying a good bum scratch.