Robust Resilience – What you and your pets need to stay strong in the face of challenges!


robust resilience

Robust Resilience! The most helpful thing possible to help you and your pets meet life’s inevitable challenges with grace and ease?

I spend a significant amount of time, five days a week, actively doing things that build and maintain robust resilience for me – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I’ve been doing this for five years now. My morning practices of meditation, resistance exercise, Chi Gong, stretching my body, and self-energy healing. At least an hour a day, often up to ninety minutes. Five mornings a week I get up early, and set to work.

I call this ‘training for life’. I’m not a morning person. It’s nearly always a serious effort to do all of this. But the benefits are IMMENSE – and still growing after 5 years.

Resilience alone is not enough. It needs to be STRONG resilience. Robust resilience. Let’s look at some definitions.

Robust: ‘strong and healthy; full of vigor; hardy’. The older meaning includes ‘having or indicating great strength, literally “as strong as oak”‘.

Strong. Healthy. Full of vigour- having lots of energy, lots of capacity. The opposite of weak, fragile, or frail.

Resilience: ‘the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness’. The older meaning includes ‘act of rebounding or springing back’.

The ability to withstand difficulties. The ability to rise to challenges instead of collapsing. The capacity to get back up again every time you fall down. The will to do all of the hard things now that make later easier. We all have the capacity to create, build, and maintain robust resilience. But it’s hard, ongoing work.

Robust resilience is kind of like a bank account. The more you exercise, meditate, eat well, sleep well, avoid things that harm you, and have regular support like bodywork, yoga classes, and any other kind of sessions that make you stronger, thew more you are adding to this bank account of resilience.

Then, when you hit a challenge, something blows up, or something goes wrong, you will be able to meet that, flow through it, and come out the other side in a strong, clear, and healthy way. Your pets benefit from YOUR robust resilience. And the more you build yours, the more you’ll have more time and energy to actively help your pets build their own bank of robust resilience. With training, relaxing touch, good food, preventative health care, holistic approaches, superfoods, and supplements.

If you have crap resilience, or weak resilience, or maybe hardly any resilience at all (let alone robust) – then you simply start where you are at, and do what you can. Then you gently grow that over time. Five years ago I had hardly any resilience, and what I had was extremely fragile.

A step-by-step plan for building robust resilience…

First thing is to start (or increase, if you’re already doing it) resistance exercise. This is the ONE THING that in my experience, build robust resilience quicker and stronger than anything else. A simple thing anyone can do, anywhere, is pushups. Simply do as many pushups as you can every morning, and strive to gently increase that number over time. I started off being flat out able to do five. Now I do sets of 30 or more.

If you can’t do pushups off your toes, do them off your knees. If you can’t do them off your knees, lean against the wall or a bench. As you get stronger you’ll be able to do stronger ones.

Work on self-regulation, relaxation – for you and your pets. This is also a huge, huge benefit when it comes to building robust resilience over time. If you can’t relax in the face of challenges and stress, everything falls apart very quickly.

Go for a good brisk walk every day- and take your dogs with you. Brisk and long enough to lift your heart rate for 15-20 minutes at minimum.

Meditate every day – start with 5 minutes. Then build on that. Notice a theme here? Start where you are, no matter how weak you might be, and then keep on doing the work, five mornings a week, no matter what! Within 6-12 months, I can guarantee that you’ll feel incredibly different, and have truckloads more robust resilience than when you started. I’m living proof of this. And if I can do it, so can you.

My pets have benefited. The more resilient I am, the less they get upset by my challenges. And the more they co-regulate with my strong anchor. And the more capacity I have to gently build their robust resilience with relaxing touch, kind training, healthy boundaries, and benevolent leadership.

Here’s a short video of me discussing this topic.

– Enjoy this article? You can check out last week’s one at this link.

– Want to work with me to create harmony for your pets (and maybe for you) with holistic veterinary consultations, intuitive insights, and energy healing? Drop into and book a free call with me. And if you’d like to learn how to heal your pets (and yourself) with loving touch and energy healing, check out

Gem, showing a very relaxed, robust resilience!

robust resilience
