Soul Purpose With Your Pets: True Magic!


soul purpose

Soul Purpose. Do You Live Yours? And… Are You Supporting Your Pet In Living Their Soul Purpose?

I didn’t know it, but I was desperately seeking my own soul purpose for so many years of pain, struggle, suffering, and illness. I just knew that I was unhappy a lot of the time, and that my life wasn’t working for me in many ways. And I knew that I was looking for something more.

It was only fairly recently that I learned the difference between two profound forces that shape our lives, and our evolution as conscious beings in this incredible multi-dimensional universe. Spirit, and Soul.

Spirit is impersonal, and only interested in stimulating your growth and evolution. Spirit doesn’t care how uncomfortable your experience of growth and evolution is. Shit will happen. You may get ground to a pulp, you may suffer, and spirit simply does not care.

Soul, on the other hand, wants you to grow through love, kindness, beauty, and healthy pleasure.

So why do so many people (and their animals, due to having to live in these people’s lives), suffer so much? I belive that this is because the ‘default setting’ for humanity at this time is that spirit dictates your growth path. This is because humanity at large has become almost completely disconnected from their hearts, their souls, nature, and the true magic of the living energies that make up all that is.

Discovering and living your life’s overarching soul purpose is, in my experience, the ultimate antidote to suffering. And the more strongly you connect with and live your soul purpose, the more your pets will benefit.

So how do you do this? You need to find the things that make your heart sing, your soul dance, that give you joy, that are beautiful for you, and then you need to pursue this, to make them part of your life. At first, you may only be able to begin with some of your soul purpose. But the more you make discovering and expressing your souls purpose a priority, the happier and healthier you’ll be- and your pets will enjoy all of the benefits of your choices.

Sharing soul purpose with your pets, and helping your pets express their soul purpose, is a HUGE part of your soul purpose.


Sound a bit confusing? Let me explain. We have our own overarching soul purpose, the thing or things that we are truly here to live,m to accomplish, to experience. For me, supporting profound healing in. myself and others is one facet. Another is creating music. And a third is exploring unhealthy relationship patterns (in the past) and now healthy, kind, loving relationship.

ALL of our soul purpose, and all the smaller soul purposes that make up our soulful life, cannot exist in a vacuum. We share and support each other in our souol journeys.

Our animals have souls too, and our lives with them are deep, powerful soul contracts, in which they support soul purposes for us – such as learning how to receive unconditional love, or moving from using fear/power over based methods to kind and respectful methods, or helping us learn the sacred lessons of death and grief when they die.

I believe that each animal we share our lives with has a special soul purpose not only with us, but for themselves. Sadly, it’s rare that animals get to connect and express with this, because they need the awareness and support of their humans to support this in happening for them. Our animals are at our mercy in this respect.

Again, you rpet’s soul purpose will be closely aligned with what they love in many cases. My Whippet, Gem, loves to run, and I have come to know that a BIG part of her soul purpose is to run, to race, to do lure coursing. She also has a soul purpose of helping me teach others. Dally, my horse, has come to help me understand how miraculous healing can be, as he has congenital deformities.

What do you thin your animal’s soul purpose might be? A support dog? Training in obedience? Racing? Showing off in the ring? Protecting your home and family? Inspiring you to create beauty? Working on inner levels to heal other beings, dogs and humans?

There are infinite possibilities for soul purpose. the more you explore your’s the more you rpets will naturally start to connect with their, too – this is because our animal’s lives are so deeply aligned with ours. But there is this very important step that we humans need to take. We need to be curious about what our animal’s soul purpose is, and we need to have an intention to support that for and with them.

I believe that this opens an immense doorway of possibility for the souls of humans and animals, together, to take extraordinary evolutionary leaps through love, kindness, beauty, and joy. Soul purpose! Give it a go!

Here’s a video where I talk live about this topic.

And here’s last week’s blog.

I help pets all over the world heal from anxiety, allergies, chronic illness, and trauma – and I help people keep their pets happy, vital, and well with intuitive, holistic veterinary consultations. Drop into if you’d like to work with me to bring profound healing into your pet’s life!

Gem and Fred cuddled up in front of the fire!

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