The six things you need to do to give your pets the best life possible


Wonderful things for your pets

Every pet parent wants to give their pets the best life possible. Here’s what to do to make that happen!

Number one: Feed a species appropriate fresh wholefoods diet.

Diet is the foundation of all good health. Processed foods are slow poison (there are so many reasons why this is so – I don’t have time to go into them all today). If I had $50 for every pet I’ve seen improve with chronic disease (or simply become more vital, shiny, healthy and happy if they don’t have chronic disease), after shifting off processed food and onto a fresh whole foods diet, I reckon I’d be able to by a new car

BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) is a great one – google recipes to make your own, or buy it pre-packaged like I do for my pets.

Number two: Minimise vaccinations and prescription medications.

Over vaccination is a very important cause of chronic disease. I treat a lot of pets with vaccine injuries. It can be hard or even sometimes impossible to fix these ones. So you should never give an unnecessary vaccination. Always titer test before re-vaccination! And in puppies in breeds with fragile genetics/inbreeding (which is most purebreds and many oodles/designer dogs, to be honest), talk to a holistic vet regarding puppy vaccinations schedule modifications.

If you can, consult with a holistic vet to explore alternatives to prescription medications – and please be aware that prescription medications sometimes will be the best thing for your pet. (If you don’t have a local holistic vet, add one to your pet health team with distant consults.)

Number three: Communicate clear, healthy boundaries.

Dogs need a benevolent leader – that would be you! It’s important to have your pets respect your personal space when you ask them too (that doesn’t mean you can’t have LOTS of cuddles, by the way). You have to learn how to talk dog or cat to do this properly (That’s one of the things I teach in my online Whole Energy Body Balance Bodywork For Pets training.

Having clear boundaries helps your pets feel safe, happy, and secure. Doing this can help anxious pets a LOT.

Number four: Learn how to assess hands-on for silent pain.

More than half the pets I assess have significant chronic silent pain that their humans are unaware of. (Read that last sentence again!) Even the most devoted pet parents often miss silent pain, because their pets show no outward signs

I have a FREE 90 minute masterclass on this issue – register for the next one (tomorrow morning)  at: https://www.wholeenergybodybalance.com/silent-pain-webinar-series-registration/

Get informed, learn how to feel for and melt away silent pain for your beautiful fur kids!

Number five: Care for yourself!

You are your pet’s biggest positive influence. That’s the good news. The bad news is that you’re also your pet’s biggest negative influence! If you have stress and anxiety, your pets feel that and are deeply affected.

The more self-care you do for you, the more your pets benefit. Eat well (fresh whole foods for you too, low in carbs, no dairy, little or no meats, little or no sugar, organic if you can).

Exercise regularly. Take time to relax and meditate. Have regular massage or bodywork. Get professional help if you need it!

Number six: Take your pet to the vet regularly!!!

This is so important. Gold standard is 6 monthly health checks, at least yearly is important. Yearly full dental check with x-rays is also gold standard. Yes, you’ll need an anaesthetic, and that is worth the risk! I’m super holistic, and I do this with my own animals.

Regular blood tests, examinations and vet visits can help you find health issues before they become a serious illness. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure! I give holistic health care advice to pet parents all over the world. If you want a session with me (in person if you’re in Melbourne or via zoom, though people have driven 10 hours to see me!) I work as a vet at Bentons Road Vets. Contact through their website and ask to book a consult with Dr Edward.
