Creating Harmony – you can do this more easily than you think!
Creating harmony is an ongoing journey for me in all facets of my life. What is harmony? It’s when everything is singing in tune. It’s when the band drops deep into the pocket, and the dance floor jumps as one. It’s a feeling of being in flow, of life living through you. It’s enjoyable.
Here’s a definition.
Harmony: ‘a situation in which people are peaceful and agree with each other, or when different things seem right or suitable together’.
The deeper, older meaning includes: ‘means of joining, to fit together’.
Creating harmony takes sensitivity, deep listening, flexibility, and action. To maintain harmony needed a continuation of all of these things, these practices, these life-skills. Let’s go through each of them in turn, and explore how they support you in creating harmony in your life, and with your pets.
Sensitivity – the more you become sensitive to the feel of how things are flowing and ‘fitting together’ for your pets, with your pets, throughout all facets of your life, the better you can identify little bits that might be stuck, or out of tune. The more sensitive you become to yourself, to your pets, and the environment, the more opportunities you’ll discover to take action to create harmony!
Deep listening – harmony is important if you want healthy relationships. The more harmony there is between you and another being, the more comfort, ease, trust, and safety are experienced by all concerned. Deep listening means you have to drop your stories, your ideas, and become empty. Curiosity helps, too. The more curious you are about the experience of other beings, the more you naturally learn about them, and what they need. The more you listen, identify needs, and meet them, the more you create harmony strongly.
Flexibility – Harmony requires that you adapt your ‘voice’ to sing in tune with the other ‘voices’ who you are living and interacting with. The more flexible you can be (without compromising your integrity, and while meeting your needs), the more beautifully you’ll naturally create harmony (and maintain it too).
Action – Nothing changes without intelligent, consistent, kind ACTION. So you have to learn, grow, and act to do all the things that create harmony with your pets, and in your life.
Creating Harmony is a muscle
The more you create harmony, the better you get at it, and the more momentum you enjoy. Yes, some days you’ll be out of tune, or maybe you won’t have the capacity to get into tune with your pets, other people, or other facets of your life. And that’s ok.
Losing harmony gives you opportunities to regain harmony.
In this process, you’ll become more able to see/sense/feel when you begin to lose harmony. Then you can take action to maintain harmony, or create harmony anew, on the fly. The better you get at all of this, the easier it is to ‘hear’ the first little signs that things are losing congruence, slipping out of tune, and descending into chaos. And the sooner you are aware of a loss of harmony, the sooner you can step back into that special place of creating harmony, moment by moment, day after day.
You’ll enjoy a deeper relationship with your pets. You’ll notice that training and teaching become easier and quicker. Everyone will be more relaxed, more vital, happier, and healthier. It’s a win-win, and so worth putting the effort in! Creating harmony is awesome, and important!
Here’s a short video of me discussing this topic.
– Enjoy this article? You can check out last week’s one at this link.
– Want to work with me to create harmony for your pets (and maybe for you) with holistic veterinary consultations, intuitive insights, and energy healing? Drop into and book a free call with me.
Mitzi after his hair cut!