SENSITIVITY and GROUNDING are two things that you and your pets can help each other with.
How? Your pets are incredibly SENSITIVE – so they can help you open up to your own exquisite SENSITIVITY. You can learn from them how to be more aware of everything – by watching them, and by being curious about what they are sensing that you are missing.
GROUNDING is being present, calm, resilient and flexible. You want to be in the present, orientated to the here and now, and dynamically making choices that are in your best interested, and in your pet’s best interests. It’s a sensible, calm, focused state of being. You are aware of everything without losing focus on any one thing.
SENSITIVITY is your ability to perceive, process, and understand information from the environment coming into your senses. Even small, subtle things. The more SENSITIVITY you have, the more you’ll notice every little thing.
SENSITIVITY and GROUNDING together mean that you are present without being overwhelmed. That you are able to be calm, and continually make the best possible choices for you and your pets. You’ll be comfortable most of the time, and if things get so intense that they become uncomfortable, you’ll be able to stay present without being overwhelmed.
When it comes to GROUNDING, this is where I believe that we humans need to take the lead. Firstly by getting ourselves solid and grounded emotionally, mentally, physically and energetically.
Why? Because our pets live in our bubble, and how strong we are in this sense will support our pets in being SENSITIVE in a comfortable way. Or – if our grounding is poor or weak – then our pets will be at a big disadvantage. They can’t help but take our lead most of the time when it comes to GROUNDING.
SENSITIVITY and GROUNDING support each other. And you and your pets have different strengths, so you can be an awesome team on this front!
I’ve found that the more GROUNDED I am, the happier my pets are. They can sink into deep, exquisite sensitivity, and they can lead me to become more and more comfortably sensitive in my life.
When I am more SENSITIVE to my pets, I can care better for them, and I can make my relationship with them stronger, deeper, and healthier too. When I am more GROUNDED this makes it safe and comfortable for my pets to relax into themselves.
SENSITIVITY and GROUNDING are things I work on actively, week in, week out. I find the more consistent I am, the stronger I and my pets are. And this makes us all happier and healthier!
All humans are born with amazing SENSITIVITY. Most of us have shut it down (for very good reasons). Opening up our SENSITIVITY requires strong, healthy GROUNDING. In fact, the better we get at creating and maintaining strong GROUNDING, the more our SENSITIVITY will naturally come online.
Building SENSITIVITY and GROUNDING with your pets…
Here are some SENSITIVITY and GROUNDING practices to explore:
– Meditation
– Movement (Yoga, Chi Gong, Tai Chi
– Exercise – resistance + aerobic
– Good healthy diet low in sugar, carbs, dairy and stimulants and high in fresh fruit and veggies (avoid processed foods)
– Being in nature, walking
– Loving touch with your animals
– Time with friends and family
– All kinds of creative practices – art, dance, music, etc
– Somatic/body awareness
– Working with healers, chiropractors, bodyworkers, therapists, etc, on a regular basis
– Structuring your time and life carefully
– Having strong values and boundaries throughout your life
– Deep listening
– Walks with slow, sniffing time
– Calm, grounded play with your pets
SENSITIVITY and GROUNDING are skills and capacities that you can grow and strengthen as you move on through life. The more you work at them, the stronger they get, and the happier and healthier your pets will become!
Love this? Want more? Check out our most recent blog at this link. And a Video exploring this topic further at this link.
If you want to work with Dr Ed, please go to – you can book a free evaluation call on the site (your first step to booking a consultation – Zoom or in person)
Gem helping with consultations!